How many have recently attended an open house? Was it enjoyable?...almost like taking a trip to a home show eh..although less grand, way less crowded and less commercialized. When it comes time for you to sell your home, will you be mentally prepared? Many of you will default or defer to your real estate agent to conduct such matters...which is fine but what happens when reality sets in? Here are a few ways to prepare yourself :
- Expect a flood of visitors
- Expect high traffic for the first two weeks: phone calls, showings, agent previewing, last minute showings
- Expect that you'll have strangers in your home, invading your privacy
- Expect to understand that your security can become compromised
- Expect honest and frank feedback, it's business...don't take it personally, you were once buyers and possibly will be again
- Expect to be emotionally detach from your you can see the big picture and avoid regrets.
For those who value privacy and personal space the experience of having strangers come in your home can be rather shocking but it is obvious why you placed your house on the market, right?...To get it sold. If your house isn't easily accessible, i.e. restrictive showing hours, it will not reach its potential dollar value and if you choose not have interior photos, you can guarantee you'll have less showing and potentially less profit.
Sometimes, especially when the property is new on the market, open houses can invite a crowd of visitors...where one sales agent alone isn't able to supervise everyone and security measures can become difficult. You, as homeowners, can do a few things to help secure your homes for open houses and while it is on the market:
1. Secure your home
- put away personal items: photos
- put away valuables: collectibles, jewelry, money
- if you have an alarm, use it
- secure your beloved pets in a safe location or remove them to a safe location
- put away confidential documents, i.e. credit cards, checks, bank statements, etc.
- put away your prescription drugs
2. Remove undesirable or fowl smells: i.e. strong cooking smells
3. Open the curtains, let in natural lighting and provide ample lighting
4. De-clutter: i.e. halls ways, rooms, closets, etc.
5. Soothing background music
6. Stage your home yourself or hire a professional stager