Monday, April 27, 2009
Getting the upper hand on a great real estate deal.

Friday, April 24, 2009
Super Paint Part I

There are paints that help insulate, create protective barriers, and even generate electrical energy. Most of us know about “eco-friendly” low vapor paint, or inorganic paints (long lasting pants often used in concrete, cement, natural stone, marbles and so forth) but not a lot of us know about how paint can work for us, aside from helping to sell our houses. There are paints that changes colors according to the season to keep a painted building insulated year round. There are paint to keep out mold and then there are paints that produce electricity.
Heard of photovoltaic paint or solar paint? Paints that can generate electricity equivalent to 50 wind farms. WOW! Dr Dave Worsley and Dr. Trystan Watson of Swansea University in the United Kingdom (UK) have been working with Corus, a steel, company in the UK to fine tune the cost effective use and increased efficiency of dye-sensitized cells.
While less efficient than conventional cells, dye-based cells do not require expensive silicon, and can be applied as a liquid paste” (New Scientist).
More explanation on this working principle and diagram see Polymer Centret.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Is your real esate agent driving you nuts?
What do you do when your real estate agent isn't performing up to your expectations? First and foremost, you give them the-benefit-of-the-doubt, in other words you give them the opportunity to do better or tell them what you want/need done better. I believe most us when given the opportunity will raise to the occasion and do better. In any relationship, an open and healthy communication dispels a lot of fears. And second, if after all your efforts to communicate fails, discuss with your agent's broker - their "boss". Repeat good communication etiquette. If that fails, go higher up, the owner of the company or the franchise owner of the company, etc. And last, you have the option to release or fire your agent and/or broker.
When interviewing for your real estate agents, know and discuss your expectations and know your options. Do ask questions. It helps to protect your investment by asking questions, having knowledge will help keep you safe.
Visit my website at http://www.nwabode.com/ for real estate tips and news.
Friday, April 10, 2009
House selling without the emotions

When there are disputes over property it is sometimes very difficult to clear out the smog of animosity and the heat of revenge and see the business sense behind it all. As shelter is one of our primal necessities, the emotional ordeal is more heighten when selling a home. Max and Joey’s case is an extreme example. Generally, homeowners are attached to their houses and homebuyers are emotionally persuaded by strong visual presentations. The big question is how do we separate our emotions from our investments? After all, they are our appendages, an extension of us, our "babies".
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2009
States with strong anti-predatory lending laws or with some level of predatory lending protection are as follows: Arkansas, California, Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, North Carolina, New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Carolina, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and West Virginia.
* Ban all fees paid to loan officers that are tied to the interest rate of the mortgage or the type of the loan. During the headiest years of the boom, Wall Street investment banks paid mortgage brokers higher fees if they originated exotic loans such as short-term subprime adjustable-rate, interest-only, payment-option and "stated income" no-documentation loans with minimal or no down payments.
The lending industry also routinely paid brokers higher fees for originating mortgages that carried rates above prevailing levels. Loan officers frequently steered applicants with marginal credit histories into loans with excessive rates and penalties -- and were paid extra by banks and Wall Street for doing so. Studies have documented that minority and first-time borrowers disproportionately were marketed loans with unnecessarily high fees and penalties, based on their credit scores.
The new bill would prohibit any compensation -- "direct or indirect" -- that is tied to the rate or terms of the mortgage. "There should be no way you can be compensated for steering anyone to a higher rate," Frank said in an interview. The bill does permit home buyers or refinancers to opt for a slightly higher note rate to finance closing costs.
* Create mandatory minimum national quality standards for all mortgages. The rules would encourage lenders to make fully documented 30-year, fixed-rate loans with prevailing market rates, as opposed to loans with higher-risk features such as adjustable payments and negative amortization. The bill would also impose a federal "duty of care" standard requiring loan officers to offer applicants terms and rates that are "appropriate" to their income and ability to repay. Refinancing would have to pass a "net tangible benefit" test demonstrating that the replacement loan is superior to the borrower's current terms. Lenders would have to offer applicants the option to choose any loan without a prepayment penalty attached. Mandatory arbitration clauses in most mortgages would be banned.
* Allow borrowers who are put into mortgages that violate the new law to seek legal redress through cancellation of the loan contract, refund of all payments and fees and compensation for legal costs.
Borrowers who lied or committed fraud on their loan applications would have no such recourse. The bill would also extend liability for rule violations to third-party securitizes who buy loans for repackaging into mortgage bonds. Originators of all but fully documented 30-year, fixed-rate loans would be required to retain at least a 5% stake in the loan until it's finally paid off. If the loan goes into default, they would retain some economic stake in the losses.
See Full Article in the LA Times, and other related articles in Acorn, Realty Times and the Seattle Times, .
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What is the political agenda for this new Federal reform bill?
2. What is/are this bill's primary objective(s)?
3. Is this new reform bill more restrictive, more protective than State and local anti-predatory lending laws or regulations?
4. Since Federal Laws over ride State and local laws, what will happen to States with more restrictive or more protective consumer laws?
5. Have previous or prior reforms similar to this helped or have they hindered?
6. Who would profit from this reform?