Thursday, April 16, 2009

Is your real esate agent driving you nuts?

An older lady came to me the other day asking about an ongoing sale contract with another firm. She, like many of us, is not familiar with legal contracts because they aren't an every day thing unless you work with them. The obvious question was why she wasn't going to her agent for such matters. Her response was that there was no communication between them as he seemed always in a hurry and curt in their brief interactions. She needed help but felt she was imposing when she wanted or needed help. Now that there was a viable offer she wanted to know what her options are. At present, there wasn't much that I could do to help her as it was an ongoing contract.

What do you do when your real estate agent isn't performing up to your expectations? First and foremost, you give them the-benefit-of-the-doubt, in other words you give them the opportunity to do better or tell them what you want/need done better. I believe most us when given the opportunity will raise to the occasion and do better. In any relationship, an open and healthy communication dispels a lot of fears. And second, if after all your efforts to communicate fails, discuss with your agent's broker - their "boss". Repeat good communication etiquette. If that fails, go higher up, the owner of the company or the franchise owner of the company, etc. And last, you have the option to release or fire your agent and/or broker.

When interviewing for your real estate agents, know and discuss your expectations and know your options. Do ask questions. It helps to protect your investment by asking questions, having knowledge will help keep you safe.

Visit my website at for real estate tips and news.

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